Advertising Opportunities


Reach Illinois educators every month! Advertise in our publications:

Illinois ASCD Journal 

Educational Briefs


Increase your web traffic by becoming a sponsor!

The Illinois ASCD Journal is published to the entire Association membership in Fall Issue; Winter Issue; Spring Issue; and Summer Issue.

The Illinois ASCD Ed Briefs are sent electronically to the entire Association membership every Wednesday throughout the entire year.

Journal Advertising

The following is a schedule and rates for advertising in the Illinois ASCD Journal.

Email News Blast

The following is a schedule and rates for advertising in the Illinois ASCD e-mail news blasts (Illinois ASCD Education Briefs) which are sent electronically to the Association members every other Wednesday (48 issues per year).

Combined E-Blast/ Journal

The following are the rates for advertising in both the Illinois ASCD Journal and e-mail news blasts.

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